
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Logan is digivolving!! into a great missionary!! 2/18/2013

Que pasa mufasa? Nada nada hakunamatata...

Hey family I just wanted to let you all know that I love you and I hope the states are treating you splendidly :) I am writing a little bit earlier today because we have an orientation to train in like an hour and a half and then tomorrow President is going to have interviews with the new missionaries from Sur América and I will receive my new companion finally. I only had to endure 2 months in 2 areas. :) But I am really content with the work we did this week for these two areas. Elder Elsmore and I have been working like sled dogs. :) We had like 26 lessons with investigators and members this week. The most I have ever achieved in my mission and it appeared to pay off because we had 9 investigators in the church yesterday. Also we reactivated 6 people this week which made me really happy :) A family of 6 that were not going to the church because of their job and rumors in the church and all we had to do was have a small little testimony meeting in their house one night and that sparked the need to go again. Also we helped a man named Hno Casteñeda. He was bishop a few years back and similarly he fell away from the church because of what some of the members were saying. But he has gone 3 times to the church and he looks like he is excited to be there again. We are going to propose to our Bishop that they get callings in the church to give them that last little push .:) But I am excited and I think I prepared our area of Filadelfia 2 enough. I would like to think of myself as Elías which prepared the way like John the Baptist. Wow lame mormon joke! :) I am really digivolving (pokemon talk for evolving) into something. But Elder Elsmore told me that he has seen a big change in me since the MTC because I just seem a lot more positive than before. And I was thinking on that and I think that is the natural result of obeying God´s commandments. We have received them so that we can be protected from all the bad things and that we can receive blessings from all of the good. The end result.. Happiness. :)

I hope all is well and keep me updated with the whats all goin on!

Love Elder Cramer

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hey fam.

I really loved the photos that dad sent me (these were of our mustache party for Vanessa's birthday). And no I did not receive the recorder yet. I just received insanity the other week so I think I won't receive the other package for at least 2 more weeks. But patience is a virtue and that virtue is already a close friend of mine that I have learned on the mission. And I have news that will probably change my life... In a month or so a Seventy of the church will come and visit us here in the mission. But if that is not good enough in May or when I complete a year in the mission... Elder Holland is going to come officially to the mission. I have a feeling he will get us excited about our work!  I am just so stoked for that and I know I will feel the spirit like crazy. When I saw Elder Holland in the MTC just sitting there, I got chills in my bones. He is my favorite apostle along with Elder Bednar.. But right now Elder Elsmore and I are trying and fighting to work in both areas still. It is hard because it is one day there and one day here. One day Elder Elsmore and I got really depressed because all of our lessons fell through and we felt like all of our efforts were in vain. And I was doubting some things personally in this moment. But then I felt like I received personal revelation because the talk from Elder Christofferson came  to my mind about ¨Those god loves he chastises¨ or something like that because a quote from this talk came to my mind.. Ï am the gardener here.. I know what I want you to be¨ In this moment I became grateful for the challenges that we have right now because if not for anything else God is helping me grow into the man that he would have me be.  I know there are no coincidences. We have trials, tests, challenges, difficulties, and heart aches for a reason. We can take it and pout or we can take it and learn the lesson that God would want us to learn and I know that is true and I am still here in Mexico pulling my personal cart to Zion :) 

I love you all and keep being what God would have you be.. We will see each other sooner than you think :D

Elder Cramer

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Reflecting on Christ's Atonement and Patriarchal blessings

¡Que honda familia!

This week has flown by. Because elder Elsmore and I have had many lessons and that is a good sign. We are in 2 areas so one day in one are and the other day in the other area. I had another interview with President today and he thinks that the new missionares will arrive in like 2 more weeks. Elder Elsmore is with me because we are both going to train in each area of Filadelfia. So I am really content right now and we are trying to be the best missionaries as possible! And I did recieve Insanity today and Elder Elsmore and i will be starting that in one of these days that are coming! :D We are excited for sure. I think it is a little crazy how I read my patriarchal blessing today and it means so many different things to me right now than it did when I received it before. It is funny how the truths in this revelation really do come true. But I think really it shows me how many blessings really the Lord has prepared for each one of his children but it has always and will always depend on our decisions we make on a day to day basis. I was thinking the other day how important agency really is to our Heavenly Father if he was willing to give up 1/3 of his children for this gift he has given us. Also Elder Elsmore and I have given our first lesson in english this week with a young man named Henry. He is trying to improve his english for a job that he is studying for. He has gone to the church 2 weeks and we are going to try to put a baptismal date this Saturday with him. I hope he feels the spirit and accepts. We have 4 baptismal dates with a really amazing family. The family Galvan. But the thing is their son has cancer and this Sunday David did not want them to leave so they could not go. So we are going to try and strengthen them and excite them to go to the church so that they can be baptized. Right now we are teaching the plan of salvation to reassure them that no matter what happens they can all live as a family together forever if they chose too! Also we recently reactivated una hermana named Hermana Cruz. She is working with us with some of her famly members right now and I am excited about that :) Tomorrow we have a zone conference and I am stoked to get animated about the work from our leaders. All is good in Filadelfia Gomez Palacio! We live on the street Fransico Villa if you want to look it up on google maps. This week I really focused on the atonement and I am just really grateful for the eternal sacrifice of Christ in my life personally.. Having perfect bodies after this life is a free gift but not only that but he gives us the option to overcome spiritual death as well. He overcame sickness, sadness, temptation, every thing that we could think about he took upon himself. I just want to strive to be more like him. Because that is where Happiness is found.. 

Love Elder Cramer :)

Logan and his new companion, Elder Elsmore.  Reminds us of Saturday's Warriors.