Buenas tardes mis amigos!
This week was really good because we found a few new families to teach and we found a house to change into so we should be changing houses on Wednesday if all goes good as planned! We had a meeting with all our our council of the 2 stakes in Durango and with President Flores and with Elder Lopez of the 70. They are really pushing the wards to work harder and to fill our agendas with people to teach. We are trying to raise the bar of lessons we teach to be able to baptize every week. That is the new goal for the mission. It will be hard but i know we can do it if we all work together! I had exchanges for one day and we contacted a woman that asked us about the church. We taught her the Restoration and she understood it a ton! She was like "oh so Joseph Smith received the keys that Pedro had before he died." and she accepted a baptismal date for February and she committed to go to the church. I felt the spirit real strong and I knew all that what we are teaching is true. Too bad it was for the other area! But she did go to church on Sunday and her 2 nieces as well. It was rewarding to see even though it was not for our side of the ward! :)Elder Cramer