hahaha that is awesome! :)
I didn't even know the date yet I was thinking the 10th but even better the 17th :) But yeah 7 weeks seems like such little time when you really think about it. I am trying to give it all on these last few days. I am still with Elder Vega for at least 4 more weeks. I finished his training now so that should be fun because we can leave the house at 11am instead of 12 in the afternoon :) I hope we can see a lot of success. The ward is starting to progress here because when I came we had only 70 members going and now this last Sunday we had 100 that was awesome to see :D We are working a lot more with the members and so that is always more fun to have the support and those wonderful testimonies that come as we teach families! I really want to try and baptize a family before I go.. That would be awesome :D But I feel like I am really enjoying the mission and I am trying to be perfected in Christ (using the atonement :D)
But I am going to send a few photos of what has been going on with me.. Here are two stories that have really impacted me this last 2 weeks.
1) While I was in the church in the 2nd hour.. A lady named Norma asked me a kind of odd question.. She asked me "Do you like football?" I answered a little off guard "Yes I used to play American football.." Then she sat back in her chair thinking. Later on in the class we were talking about the spirit.. She raised her hand and said.. "I know the spirit exists.. 3 months ago when I was in Colorado, USA I had a dream that I was in this exact room and I talked to this Elder (pointing to me) and I saw his face and he told me that he liked football and then he gave me a treasure that was more beautiful than any other treasure."
That almost made me cry when that sister told us all that. Just by being here in the exact moment I had answered a dream or something. Now this investigator (that is taking the lessons with the other elders) has a baptismal date and told me that she know that this is the true church of Jesus Christ.. :)
2) The other story is that we were walking to our house the other day a little down because an investigator just got done telling us that she is 100% Catholic and the church doesn't interest her. And then we heard a noise coming from a window and a lady that was in a wheel chair was trying to get our attention. She explained "I was just praying that God would send me my angel missionaries again because I was going to the church before in another place and I felt so alone.. I cannot move, I cannot do anything and I felt prompted to come to the window and wait. Now that you are here when can you visit me and help me go to church again?" We felt the spirit once again and I know God prepares the hearts of the people when we are trying to live worthily!
Here is the one with the woman who had the dream.
Here is a photo of a family that we are teaching. They were going to the
church in arizona before. Karla and he little daughter went to church on sunday with us! :)
Here is an active family that always helps us with the work!
Last night we have an alacran (scorpion) in our house haha. It made me double check
the house to make sure there are no more lurking around! Here is a
Here is a photo of a family that helps us in the work as
well and on the right side is Hermana Nancy that will be reactived this next sunday when she goes to church!
Some photos from 2/24/14
Some Valentines photos

A fishy photo - is Logan really eating fish?